Category: Dreamweaver
VC Star Article - Front and Center
While I was in Ojai recording the Dreamweaver 8 Beyond the Basics title for there were some reports from the Ventura County Star writing an article on They wanted to take a few photos of someone doing a recording, and they ended up using a shot of me on the front page of the Business section of their February 15th article. See mom and dad, I really do do real work :). Click the image for a larger version.
Read the article here (requires free registration).
CFDUMPing the Variables scope
Don't ask me why I never tried this before... I've always just done a <cfoutput>#myVar#</cfoutput>
when I needed to find out what a local variable value was. This often meant scattering them all over my page to figure out what piece of code I got wrong... I finally decided I'd just try dumping the local variable scope, and wallah voila! I get a full dump of every local variable on the page, including queries, available functions, the whole bit. I don't know why I never tried that before...
<cfdump var="#Variables#" label="Local Variables" />
Here's to Fireworks Surviving!
Stephanie Sullivan has a post on her blog at Community MX regarding the survival of Fireworks. It looks like the future may be bright. Cross your fingers :).