Category: .NET

Discovery of the Day

I'm a big fan of virtual directories. I like sharing assets across sites without having to duplicate a bunch of folders. Angela and I were doing some planning for a site and she asked if you created a Virtual Directory in IIS, what would happen if you also had a physical directory of the same name. Well it turns out that if you have a Virtual Directory defined in IIS, the server will completely ignore the contents of any physical directory in the same location. So if you had this:

|--myassets (virtual directory pointing to assets above root)
|--myassets (physical directory on the disk)

Then all files and folders in the physical myassets folder will be completely ignored.

0 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Feb 12, 2006 at 12:00 AM | Categories: .NET -

Basecamp on KISS

Business Week has a great interview with one of the owners of 37Signals on their design philosophy and why it's a good idea to keep things simple.

0 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Nov 12, 2005 at 12:00 AM | Categories: (X)HTML - .NET - ColdFusion - CSS - Rambling - VBScript -

Beyond Compare

Oh how I love Beyond Compare
It's saved large patches of my hair
It checks my files and keeps me sane
Without it my job would be a pain

2 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Nov 16, 2004 at 12:00 AM | Categories: .NET - ColdFusion - Rambling - VBScript -