
Larry Lyons pointed me to a post on House of Fusion that discussed a way to run CFMX or BlueDragon from a CD, which would allow you to send out mini-applications on CD to potential clients. This is somethign I blogged about some time ago, and it looks like CFAnywhere might be the answer.

I haven't tested this myself, so I don't know exactly how well it does/doesn't work, but if anyone has some experience using this method I'd love to hear it.

Posted by Daniel Short on Jun 9, 2004 at 12:00 AM | Categories: ColdFusion -


charlie arehart

charlie arehart wrote on 08/20/04 9:24 PM

Your link for CFAnywhere is broken. Check out instead.
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 08/20/04 9:24 PM

Thanks for the tip :)
Phil Cruz

Phil Cruz wrote on 01/18/05 11:22 PM

Dick Applebaum and I have been developing this process which we now call CFEverywhere (to avoid trademark issues). It works great and I have used it on Tracking Tools and CFC.Doc. Check my blog post for more info
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 01/18/05 11:22 PM

Thanks Phil :)