A break... finally

That's right... Saturday I took a break, so sue me :). Kris and I had lunch at the Todai seafood buffet, and I had more sushi than I ever have before. I only have a pic of the first plate I ate ;). After that, we walked around the mall, where I found some headphones from Bang and Olufsen that I simply must have. They may look small, but they sound like a concert hall in your head, and you can't even tell you're wearing them. They're just plain tasty...

Posted by Daniel Short on Jul 14, 2003 at 12:00 AM | Categories: Rambling -



~Angela wrote on 07/14/03 10:53 PM

But you didn't say exactly how much sushi you had... (Sorry Mr. & Mrs. Short! :-))
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 07/14/03 10:53 PM

Let's just say more than my dad would like to know about.

Alex wrote on 07/15/03 6:00 AM

How much did you dish out for these baby's? alex
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 07/15/03 6:00 AM

The headphones? Haven't bought them yet unfortunately :). I'm hoping an anonymous internet user will buy them and they'll show up at my door :). They retail for $160.

Josh wrote on 07/15/03 9:44 AM

These headphones seem really cool, and I don't mind the $160 retail. The question is, will they sound just as good on, say, a labtop where the soundcard is not as robust compared to a desktop comp? I've noticed a massive decline in performance from soundcard to soundcard, and definately from desktop to labtop when using my travel headphones. But they are only $50 Sony's, so maybe that's where I'm going wrong. Were you able to give 'em a test drive, Dan?
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 07/15/03 9:45 AM

Yeah, I tried them out at the retail store in Pioneer Place. That's quite a gorgeous showroom they have there, and they certainly sound great plugged into a B&O stereo system :). I firmly believe you get what you pay for when it comes to music/sound quality.

Jay wrote on 07/15/03 12:50 PM

I've been looking for some good headphones, but I think those are a little over the top for my target application of excercize and computing. They sure do look nice though!
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 07/15/03 12:50 PM

They can never be too fancy ;)

Danilo wrote on 07/15/03 12:50 PM

If you're going for headphones, you can't go wrong with a set from Sennheiser. My wife's brother, a classical musician and owner of over 2500 classical CDs, swears by them. Just about anything in thier 500/600 series would be good. Framed site so no direct link. Go to product, then headphones For kicks, take a quick look in the premier section at the Orpheus set of headphones.
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 07/15/03 12:50 PM

Yeah. I've always drooled over Senn's :). Probably the best thing about the B&O's is that they hardly weigh a thing, so I can wear them all day at the office to drown out the crazies :)