Viewing by month: October 2002
Firemen and SQL
It's an explosive combination I tell ya. Jay has just finished his first major database driven site, Bear Creek Baptist Church.
He gives me some credit but don't let him fool ya. I just gave him some shoves in what I thought was the right direction :). Teaching is so much fun.
Gimme some sugar baby
Nothing like a good Army of Darkness movie to start the day :)
Server Formats Galore
In the process of putting together my blog, I've come up with quite a few functions for manipulating dates. This includes find the start and end of a week that contains a particular date (for the archives and such) as well as quiet a few others.
Angela and I figured that if I found them useful, someone else probably would as well. So we're in the final phases of putting together a commercial group of Server Formats. Angela has some information on pricing and a screenshot at her blog. Not only will you have a buttload of formats to start with, you'll be able to edit each one to meet your specific locale's formatting settings. We may eventually do one that will let you manually specify exactly how you want stuff formatted if people think it would be of value.