Category: (X)HTML
Posting this to my blog from the new FireFox browser (used to be FireBird) and I must say that it's pretty darn slick. Faster, still with the same great developer tools like CSS edit, but there's also a new DOM Inspector. Talk about tasty stuff :)
I'll be starting to move to FireFox for my primary browser I think... time to start doing the tabbed browsing thing.
If you're seeing a white matte around the image above, it's because IE doesn't support PNG alpha transparency. FireFox does :).
Me + <a href=""></a> = mucho mucho good
First week of March I hit the sound studio with Garo Green to record the new Intermediate Dreamweaver MX 2004 CD-ROM. It's gonna be good stuff peoples :)
Dreamweaver MX 2004 Complete Reference
Tom Muck's new Dreamweaver MX 2004 Complete Reference is out in stores now :). Pick up your copy today, cause I said so dontcha know...