Category: VBScript
Gotta getta gifstream
Spent a lot of time today on my gifStream Tutorial. Had some more help from Danilo on the JavaScript (I'm gonna get this down sooner or later :). Hopefully I can have this finished with example files in a few days and get it up and running on
Image manager updates
I've just finished testing the final beta release of the extension for my Image Manager application. If I can stay on schedule, I'll be releasing the update to current customers, and putting up some screenshots of the interface in the DWfaq /Store.
Many many thanks go to Angela Buraglia for encouraging me to move forward with it and to Danilo Celic for actually doing all the work (on the extension that is). Thanks guys... is site of the month! Wayne Lambright of has made DWfaq the site of the month... whaddya know ;)
gifStream demo finished
Here's the gifStream demo I mentioned in the last entry. I'll be turning this into a full-fledged tutorial eventually.