Category: Rambling
Guy night is fun
Liquor and X-Box make it that way...
You have to look close
If you look really close at the book cover of Dreamweaver MX: Advanced ASP Web Development you just might see my name ;).
Now I have to wait for Amazon to update the book listing in order to get my name on there for real. Will the big bucks start rolling in then? <breath type="holding" />
This is my first cover credit on a book, so I'm pretty stoked about getting my personal copies. Do you think 8 foot is too tall for a shrine? I wonder if I'll ever get them though, since the Amazon page states that the shipping date is December 31, 1969..., ya think Michael J. Fox could help with this one?
Almost X-mas :)
Just spending the day today wrapping up loose ends and getting ready to head for Seattle. Gonna spend Monday night through Thursday up there with the in-laws, and will be meeting the sis-in-law's boyfriend, so it should be fun.
Got my gifts from Angela over the weekend, and the Precision Pours she sent are awesome. I've already ordered a dozen ;). Thanks ~A :).
Been a little melancholy on all my work lately, just haven't been that motivated, but hopefully a little break from the grind and a nice big party on New Year's will kick me back into gear. I've been seeing a physical therapist to get my back into shape after my odd Thanksgiving back tweak. Hopefully once all that is taken care of I'll have a bit more energy. I'll hopefully be finishing up a Dynamic Image Gallery script I've been tweaking, where you can simply throw a bunch of images in a folder and you have an instant gallery. I promise I'll get it done some day :).