Category: Rambling


Are you?

Got into Toronto late last night (9:30 or so) and went straight to the Sushi restaurant. I made Angela eat it (and the faces weren't too bad). The restaurant had a little river around the center area with wooden boats carting Sushi around. Tasty stuff.

The organizers were also nice enough to get us wireless internet access on the conference floor (and it even reaches down to the bar BONUS!!!) so I'm posting in the conference room. I'll try and post regularly so all you people's who didn't make will know what you're missing {insert maniacal laugh here}.

6 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Mar 14, 2003 at 12:00 AM | Categories: Newsgroup -

TODCON Keynote

Jeremy's keynote didn't really do a whole lot for me. He talked about Internet 1.0 (the internet of the 90s) and what he sees as Internet 2.0 (the typical Rich Internet experience as well as web services).

I wasn't really sure what the entire presentation was "about" beyond trying to explain what he sees as future internet applications, and how "rich" they'll be.

I still haven't bought into the entire RIA concept... but we'll see where it leads.

He did however mention the "Real Time Opportunity", which, guess what, I'm doing right now :). Don't you love technology.

0 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Mar 14, 2003 at 12:00 AM | Categories: Newsgroup - Rambling -

Joe Marini

Disclaimer: The following comment is more a commentary on my lack of extensibility understanding and Joe's sheer wealth of knowledge, and not a comment on the quality of his presentation :).

He should not be able to talk over my head like that... It just ain't right. His session is on "basic" Dreamweaver Extensibility, or so he claims, but I was lost pretty quick. I'm just hoping Angela soaked it all up.

7 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Mar 14, 2003 at 12:00 AM | Categories: Newsgroup - Rambling -