Category: Newsgroup
New things on the horizon...
I'm getting hip deep into a new project (actually nearing 40% completion) and things are starting to click. What is it you ask??? Think ASP (you know you love it), think eCommerce, shopping cart, think customers with fat wallets giving you money... I think you get the picture. More when I'm able.
It aint' all about me
This post is for Danilo. His printer sometimes doesn't work on his cabled router.
There ya go... it's not all about me...
Manipulate arrays
Probably what I like least about VBScript is it's lack of built in functions for manipulating arrays. This means you've gotta write your own. In working on my new top secret project, I needed a way to remove an item from a 2 dimensional array without affecting the rest of the items in the array. And to that end, after 2 hours of searching on Google, I decided to write my own dang functions. You can find them in the test area of Web-Shorts.