Category: ColdFusion
New Sales Rank Tracker Feature
You can now view book details directly from the Sales Rank Tracker. Now I don't have to go to Amazon to check the latest reviews or ratings either ;). Just call me lazy, I can take it :)
Calling All MySQL Geeks
I'm going bald, and it's all MySQL's fault... (at least I hope it is).
I'm having major issues with MySQL returning dates in Binary format, versus the format that I give them. Let's take the following code for example:
Now any sensible person would expect that to return "2003-12-01" right? Well, MySQL doesn't seem to want to be sensible, because it's returning this in my CFDUMP: binary - 50484851454854454849
If anyone has an idea of why the heck this is happening, I'd be more than happy to listen and try something else. I've tried using EXTRACT and piecing together a string, I've tried using STR_TO_DATE, I've tried yelling and screaming and calling it names, and nothing seems to be behaving correctly, and noone seems to know the answer.
Leave a comment if you have any idears :)
Danilo made me do it
Cartweaver's ColdFusion Shopping Cart version 2.6.4 has been released. This fixed a minor SQL bug and added a few new feature enhancements :). Things is good..... buy or download your update from DWfaq.