Viewing by month: July 2002
Gotta getta gifstream
Spent a lot of time today on my gifStream Tutorial. Had some more help from Danilo on the JavaScript (I'm gonna get this down sooner or later :). Hopefully I can have this finished with example files in a few days and get it up and running on
Get in line PRIVATE!!!
That's right, I'm being strict. XHTML Strict to be exact. What did it take? Removing target attributes and borders from links and images. <br /> instead of <br>. Hmm... that's about it :). Dontcha just love it. Check out my article on MM DesDev (The X(HTML) Files) to learn a little more.
Now... to satisfy my curiosity, I have to figure out how to get my blog on a PDA :-). Hey... I can dream...