Viewing by month: March 2006

MAX Is Official

That's right, I have confirmed through sources yet to be named (ACE people) that MAX will be this October 22nd to the 26th in sunny Las Vegas. They planned it on my birfday on purpose y'know...

I leave for MIX06 tomorrow in Vegas, so it looks like I'm gonna be a Vegas junky this year...

4 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Mar 17, 2006 at 12:00 AM | Categories: (X)HTML - ColdFusion - Dreamweaver - MAX - Newsgroup - VBScript -


I got back from cf.Objective() late Sunday night (or was it Monday morning) and I have to say it was by far the most educational conference I've ever attended. I attended every session I could (a change for me, I usually skip a particular session time when there's just nothing to see). The full list of sessions I attended is:

  1. CFEclise: An Introduction
  2. Managing ColdFusion Components with Factories
  3. AOP with ColdFusion
  4. ObjectThink
  5. Mach-II and ColdSpring
  6. Subversion SCM
  7. Objects and Persistence
  8. The Mystic Flex2 Gateway in a Real Application
  9. Frameworks Roundtable
  10. ModelManagement with ColdSpring

How's that for a session list?! Every session stretched my brain (my hat was getting pretty snug), and I came away from every single session with new information. Even the ones where I was completely lost by the end (AOP is particularly hard to grasp) I still came away with new information, and as I told Chris Scott later that evening (who gave the AOP presentation) the information he presented was slowly marinating, and I was starting to really understand a lot of what he said, hours later. I have to say that this is probably the only conference I've attended in quite some time where I felt I actually got my money's worth.

So if you're a CF developer looking to step up your game, even if you're not "quite ready" for OO development, I would highly recommend you attend the next cf.Objective() (and harass Jared to put together another one).

So thanks Jared, Sean, Chris (I promise I'll get the AOP, and check out Lem), Paul, Ryan, Simeon, Kurt, the Dinowitz's, and everyone else who made this conference great.

I can't wait until next year!

4 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Mar 14, 2006 at 12:00 AM | Categories: ColdFusion -

ooGlossary Feature List

I've had several people ask about things that could be done to improve the ooGlossary so that people will start adding new content to the site. For that reason, I've added a Feature Wishlist so that you can add whatever feature you think will make the site more useful for you. So just follow the link, click Edit Page and wish away!

0 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Mar 14, 2006 at 12:00 AM | Categories: ColdFusion -