Category: (X)HTML

Basecamp on KISS

Business Week has a great interview with one of the owners of 37Signals on their design philosophy and why it's a good idea to keep things simple.

0 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Nov 12, 2005 at 12:00 AM | Categories: (X)HTML - .NET - ColdFusion - CSS - Rambling - VBScript -


I'm getting more and more interested in the whole AJAX buzzword. To that end, I found a link to SAJAX through the MXNA. So I'm mostly posting this link for my own reference :), but you can enjoy it too...

If you've used this already, please let me know what you think about it. I'm out of town until Saturday, but I plan on giving it a trial run next week to see how much fun I can have.

2 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on May 11, 2005 at 12:00 AM | Categories: (X)HTML - Dreamweaver -

Netscape 8 Released

Well it looks like AOL has finally dropped a new Netscape. Thankfully, this one is based off of Firefox 1.0, so it should render great and be pretty stable. I haven't downloaded it yet, so if you've played with it or know of any known issues not currently in their release notes, let me know how it goes.

6 comments | Posted by Daniel Short on Mar 7, 2005 at 12:00 AM | Categories: (X)HTML - CSS - Dreamweaver -