VC Star Article - Front and Center

Dan Short recordingWhile I was in Ojai recording the Dreamweaver 8 Beyond the Basics title for there were some reports from the Ventura County Star writing an article on They wanted to take a few photos of someone doing a recording, and they ended up using a shot of me on the front page of the Business section of their February 15th article. See mom and dad, I really do do real work :). Click the image for a larger version.

Read the article here (requires free registration).

Posted by Daniel Short on Feb 17, 2006 at 12:00 AM | Categories: (X)HTML - Books - ColdFusion - CSS - Dreamweaver -



Anthony wrote on 02/22/06 7:42 AM

hey dan, i been watching dynamic development with asp. Just curious, would you be able to hand code the whole blog that you created, without dreamweaver help? Im asking you this on here coz you dont have an email listed on your site, well none that i can see anyway. If you could email me to the address i have supplied it will be greatly appreciated. thanks anth
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 02/22/06 7:42 AM

Definitely :). In all honesty, I rarely use any of the Dreamweaver built-in server behaviors any more. I like the code I write better, and I understand how all the plumbing works when I write it myself. Anything that you can do with Dreamweaver, you could certainly code yourself. You just have to know how :).

Bob wrote on 05/05/06 5:14 PM

I'm not a web designer nor have anything to do with "professional" web publishing, I must be one of those sad guys who just likes to know how things work! Having cobbled together a site for my significant other (who has three screens BTW!) I decided I wanted to learn how to create a dynamic site that she could "manage" herself without me having to handball the code in Dreamweaver all the time. Having sat through videos for DW8 basics, I then switched to your "Beyond the basics", which appeared to have just the sort of solution to my problem. I have to say how much I enjoyed your style, presentation and humour (yes I'm a Brit with that spelling!). All I can comment about the picture is that someone must have Photoshop'd out the safety net which I assumed you used in an emergency! Seriously though, well done on an excelelnt run through. Pity about the "glitches" in DM8 not rendering the code properly in certain instances. For a non-coder like me, WYSIWYG is what I rely on, and what a PITA to have to keep checking in the browser! Eqaully I was disappointed to see you have a few coding issues with the CF code not working as it should, e.g. the CFOUTPUT not wrapping the rows properly when building the dynamic table content, and "@@()@@" code for the check box (?). Again for non coders like me I would not know where to start to look for those types of solutions when it goes all pear-shaped. I just had to drop in and pay homage to a "DM" coder extraordinaire! Well done! BTW, why no mention of layers in the video series? I couldn't have achieved what I did without these "puppies"!!
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 05/05/06 5:14 PM

Glad to hear you enjoyed the title Bob, the safety net definitely comes in handy :). As for layers, I tend to work with them directly through the CSS, without doing absolute positioning in the UI, which is why I don't really talk about them as layers :). It's an absolutely positioned element... Dreamweaver just calls them layers. Anyway, thanks again, and good luck :).
Chris Ibbeson

Chris Ibbeson wrote on 01/18/07 8:22 AM

Dan, I just finished watching the Dreamweaver 8 Beyond the Basics tutorial. Excellent!! I especially appreciated the CSS and form sections. -Chris
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 01/18/07 8:22 AM

Thanks for the compliment Chris :)