tsk tsk tsk Microsoft

I thought that Microsoft was getting better at the web standard bit. Zeldman has pointed out that their latest redesign is about as bad as they get as far as web standards go. Can you say evil <font> tag?

Posted by Daniel Short on Oct 8, 2002 at 12:00 AM | Categories: Rambling - (X)HTML -


Iolaire McFadden

Iolaire McFadden wrote on 10/10/02 7:59 AM

Can you tell me why the page loads in the yellow color and then switches to my default color scheme only after it loads? I'm on Windows IE 6.??? Thanks, iolaire
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 10/10/02 7:59 AM

That's a limitation of the javascript method I'm using to handle the style switching. I could potentially do it with server side scripting and prevent it, but I'm too lazy at the moment ;-)

Jeff wrote on 10/10/02 8:27 AM

yea, it is loading for me at yellow, but has "multicolored" in the switch box as default. I have to switch it manually every time.
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 10/10/02 8:27 AM

The switch box doesn't show the currently selected them, just all themes. Do you have cookies disabled perchance? Your preference is stored in a cookie.

kindler wrote on 10/10/02 11:31 PM

C'mon lazy boy! Spend the 20 minutes to bake a couple of cookies for your style switcher... if you'd like, I'll do it for you ;)
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 10/10/02 11:31 PM

Them there's fightin' words dontcha know :)