Interested in testing Cartweaver ASP?

Well Cartweaver ASP is getting close, finally. We're looking for beta testers, so if you're interested, simply add a comment to this post with your information and I'll add you to my list of potential testers. I'd like to know your experience level with ASP along with what editor you'll be using (Homesite or Dreamweaver MX/MX2004 for example).

If you're personally not interested in testing, please feel free to pass along this information to anyone you think might be a viable candidate.

Posted by Daniel Short on Sep 8, 2004 at 12:00 AM | Categories: Dreamweaver - VBScript -



Dakota wrote on 11/07/04 8:24 AM

I have been looking at cartweaver and it looks very interesting. Interested in finding out your thoughts on shopping carts. Thanks
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 11/07/04 8:24 AM

Well if you have any questions, you can certainly stop on by our newsgroup at news://

cmacias wrote on 01/05/05 2:08 AM

Well, if it is possible, i am interested to try the asp cartweaver. I usually work with Charon cart 3, and i think that it could be time to change ;) Thanks
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 01/05/05 2:08 AM

Well Cartweaver is now for sale :). You can get it at the Cartweaver Store.