Calling all Mac Geeks...

  • Do you surf the internet with Safari looking for killer apps?
  • Do you play with the magnification in your dock to impress your PC friends?
  • Are your app close buttons on the left instead of the right?

If so, then Dan wants YOU! <finger stype="pointing: at you;" /> (figuratively speaking of course). I'm looking for a few good killer apps for the Mac, because hey, I paid for the thing, I might as well tweak it out.

So for all you Mac geeks (yes, that means you Drew and Eric), what Mac apps can't you live without?

Posted by Daniel Short on Mar 17, 2004 at 12:00 AM | Categories: Rambling -


Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan wrote on 03/18/04 3:10 PM

You're going to have to google for these yourself, but here goes. BBEdit - mmm code. Tigerlaunch - for launching apps. I only keep *running* apps in the dock. CocoaMySQL - visual MySQL management tool. Mellel - lovely word processor if you don't have Office. RBrowser - drag'n'drop files over SSH. Remote Desktop Connection - available from xPad - like notepad, but good.
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 03/18/04 3:10 PM

Mucho thanks :), I'll check 'em out.

Eric wrote on 03/22/04 9:10 AM

So it took me a while. First, stuff that will cost you bucks. BBEdit - oh yeah. It rocks. You can find all kinds of plugins too, like XSLT syntax highlighting rules and SmartyPants, which does "smart quotes." DragThing - I like it a whole lot better than the Dock, mostly because it lets me do things my way. Transmit - FTP and SFTP in one handy package. Has a handy synchronization feature built in. NetNewsWire - a good RSS aggregator, although I'm sure nothing like FeedDemon. I use the Lite version, which is free. Now the free stuff, most of which comes with the OS: Terminal - open the UNIX shell and get crazy. DigitalColor Meter - lets you sample colors on-screen in any of a number of ways, including hex and RGB. Graphic Converter - will read and write graphic formats I've never even heard of before. There's gotta be something like 50 formats in there. Scary. (But now you can open all your old TRS-80 images!) Newswatcher-MT - if you're going to read NNTP on the Mac, then get NW-MT. iChat - You can do audio and video chats (oooh baby), and it integrates really nicely into the OS itself. You can turn off the integration if you prefer. FreeSnap - a decent image-capture program. TInkerTool - lets you hack the OS in useful and interesting ways. Also, I can't live without Virtual PC, but that's because I don't have an Intel box handy for browser testing. If you're going to get friendly with OS X, then I recommend subscribing to the feeds for and Also, if you don't already know how, learn to set up Web servers on the local machine via Apache. I have several local copies of sites running on my machine (,,, devedge, etc.) and it's really made me more efficient and productive. I can preview any changes to CSS, scripts, et.c before uploading them to the public servers. Love it!
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 03/22/04 9:10 AM

Thanks man, looks like I have a lot of stuff to check out :).