Viewing by month: February 2006
CFDUMPing the Variables scope
Don't ask me why I never tried this before... I've always just done a <cfoutput>#myVar#</cfoutput>
when I needed to find out what a local variable value was. This often meant scattering them all over my page to figure out what piece of code I got wrong... I finally decided I'd just try dumping the local variable scope, and wallah voila! I get a full dump of every local variable on the page, including queries, available functions, the whole bit. I don't know why I never tried that before...
<cfdump var="#Variables#" label="Local Variables" />
Here's to Fireworks Surviving!
Stephanie Sullivan has a post on her blog at Community MX regarding the survival of Fireworks. It looks like the future may be bright. Cross your fingers :).
Dreamweaver CFC Bean Generator
I've been using Jon Block's wonderful online CFC generator for a while, but I always secretly hoped that he was going to create a Dreamweaver extension for it. I decided it was going to happen (he's more likely a CFEclipse user ;), so I did a quick google and found the CFC Bean Generator on the Exchange (thanks for posting about it Rob!)
I got it installed, and everything is working wonderfully. I went in and edited the js file to suit my own style a bit more (I don't like using single quotes for attributes, which is what the extension generates) by replacing all single quotes with double quotes, and changing the way variables are initially set. But Adam (the author) is definitely saving me a ton of time, and I can now generate my CFCs at 30,000 feet without having to worry about having any pages saved locally to do it through a browser. I just generated a very compact 300 line CFC in a matter of a minute and a half. Ya just can't beat it...